My Best Tip

Hi Affiliates

You wanted to know how to start. This is what I did/do. 

Every day I go to my homepage and work on completing the to-do-list ( ). I start at the top and work my way to the bottom. There are some things that have to wait for some reason (usually because when I started I have to wait 2 months for some to become available). I just go on to the next. When I am done I go over it again to make sure I did not miss anything. 

When I am working on the "ask SC" tab; I rate 30 answers. On that page you will have to press the GO button at the top and rate answers to at least 10 questions either as 'yes' or 'no' to get the vp for that tab. The tabs are reset every day. 

Then I go to the 'Win It' tab and enter the contest. Next I go to TripleClicks to find auctions that have not yet reached $1.00 and enter the 'Pick a Price' contests. 

Since I have so many signups every day I go back to my genealogy report and send out a 'How To' for both those that have already received it but may have missed it (or just a reminder) and to the newbies to keep it super simple. I do this a couple of times a day; because of the different time zones around the world and I don't want you waiting to get started. 

At the a2a tab I ask to be friends with the team leaders; but I review their snapshot page for their tips. I also do this for the top 15 on all the leader boards. Those that give me kudos, encouragement and good advice I move to my top friends list. You want to surround yourself with those you want to be like. You will become the average of the 6 you spend the most time with. 

Last but not least I try to post something significant in the 'Streams tab'. There are some other tips I am finding; so contact me 

I do this every day and review at least one item from the LaunchPad (you will gain points the first time through); one for each day corresponding to the date of the month. 

If possible or I you can afford it, get in on the S-Builder Co-Op and the IAHBE. It helps build your business that much quicker. 

Learn recruiting people for TC and SFI. If you are not good at recruitment, buy S co-op or win them in auctions.  Shop around for the best deal for you; I compared the number of points to the amount I am going to spend. Sometimes purchasing several smaller units may yield more points than purchasing a larger bulk unit. Also purchasing from different suppliers yields different demographics because of the different advertising locations. 

Encourage them to follow your/my example of how we are doing things. 

Your success in our SFI business is connected with our visits to the SFI Affiliate Center ( There is no way to understand and succeed in this business unless at least once a day you log in and read the published information--SFI Alerts, SFI News, SFI Tips, and SFI Forum. 

For your daily motivation and positive thoughts, I recommend you often read "Rules of Success" and "Internet Income Course" published at the Training Page of the SFI Affiliate Center. 

On a Low Budget 
Every day do something for your SFI business outside of doing the to-do-list. Be active, ask questions, give answers, see forum, and join the SFI group on Facebook. Write in your blog. 

You have to spend a bit for advertising. Join the W3 program, in TripleClicks find auctions that are just starting and enter the 'pick a price' contest, be sure to view a couple of TripleClick items then go to the WinIt tab and enter the daily draw, post something to the stream tab daily and write to your down line daily. 

If at all possible purchase as many PSA's as you can afford ( ), they are less expensive than advertising. 

I am always looking for some new tools & tips on our site to share with you.

Ask questions we are all here to help each other. 

My best tip is to copy what I have done. Look up: (copy & paste to address bar) 

Money is best spent on purchasing affiliates and purchasing products you normally buy else ware. The downside is you have to wait for most of the physical products to arrive in the mail; but just plan ahead for that. 

Anyway get back to me and let me know where you are. 

                                                                            A FEW TIPS

Please consider these few tips which will help you develop your SFI business:

1. Don't give up. I know progress may seem bleak in the beginning but stay focused be consistent and persistent. Your efforts directly reflect your productivity.

#2. Make sure you communicate with your downline as well as your upline. Give your downline support and try to answer questions they may have. If your sponsor seems invisible, don't let that hinder your success. Be a better sponsor to your affiliates.

#3. Stay plugged in. Login everyday if possible. Check your messages, and alerts. Check your progress on the scoreboard and your sales in the Tripleclicks store. Remember this is YOUR store. Treat it like a brick and mortar business...You gotta open up the door for business, check your messages, check on your store inventory, monitor what is selling and what isn't and train your team.

#4. Always track your advertising methods. This way you know which advertising methods are working and which ones are not. This will save you money and time. Ask your upline member which methods have worked for him/her. Some affiliates are computer savvy enough to market online(email marketing, PPC, personal website...etc) and some may need a little more help at it. Some affiliates are better at working the telephone and some are better at working the post office. Either way it's all good. Help your downline affiliate find a way to promote his/her business that is most comfortable for him/her.


1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I do similar to you every day too. Starting out with the To-Do-List which you can get at least 12 versa points a day by doing all these Tabs


    Also inside of the Auction you can earn even more in the Rewardicals.

    Thank you for sharing your ideas.
